jika login as root bahayanya dijabarkan di http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=716201
Isn't knowledge power? What's the harm in having these tutorials posted?
Let's say you put your money into a bank and the bank gives you an ATM card allowing you to withdraw money if you enter a password in. You decide, however, that you don't want to have to enter a password. You'd rather just be able to put the card into the ATM machine and withdraw cash with just the card and no password. Let's also say that there is a way to tweak the card so as to no longer require a password. If you know the tweak, do you have the right to use it? Well, you probably wouldn't, but let's say the bank's policies on this matter were a little lax. Does the bank have to host tutorials on the card tweak? Absolutely not. The bank wants you to use the ATM with a password and supports that method of security.
Likewise, we on the forums support Ubuntu's security model. If people are able to set up Ubuntu in other ways and still be secure, they can find ways to do that without the forum providing those ways.
masih jarang make sudo nautilus, lha wong sekarang jadi jarang ubah uabh permision gara gara kegagalan menjalankan phpmyadmin di localhost semenjak make lucid ini
ReplyDeleteSaya juga suka command ini :mrgreen: ...
ReplyDeletejarang makek mantra ini
ReplyDeleteSaya kok tidak paham ya?
ReplyDeletedi linux mint sih tinggal klik kanan-open as admin (kl dulu root)
ReplyDeleteSekarang saya sudah lupa, padahal dulu sama sekali gak tau....
ReplyDeletepuyeng (haha)
ReplyDeletelha kok penak
ReplyDeletehahaha... kuatir nek catetane ilang trus dipublish ya? (lmao)
ReplyDeletekalau sedang main localhost dan dipakai stand alone tanpa berhubungan dengan network, saya masih seneng login as root... soale ribet kalau bolak-balik sudo nautilus... :-)
ReplyDeleteYo penak kang.
ReplyDeletePenak Linux mint. klik kanan, open as root nek ra open as administrator. Langsung bukak window anyar sebage root.
ReplyDeleteyen googling mlebu neng blog sampeyan terus... hehehehehe
ReplyDeletebelas ra ngerti.....
ReplyDeletealt+f2 lalu sudo nautilus
ReplyDeletebabarblas ora mudeng opo karepe..(doh)
ReplyDeleteit was very interesting to read.
ReplyDeleteI want to quote your post in my blog. It can?
And you et an account on Twitter?
ragenah maksute. .
ReplyDeletesalam kenal ae mas. .
jolali kunjungane. .
salam kenal balik. urlnya opo mas?
ReplyDeleteWah msh eksis di linux pak ? sip..3x. Oh ya pak .. saya pindah URL nih dari norjik.com ke norjik.web.id :)
ReplyDeleteKuwi opo malah aku nggak mudeng
ReplyDeletendak ngerti euy... hihihi
ReplyDeletesaya sering login via dashboard ndar (lmao)
ReplyDeletemakin serius niy di linux ndar...lanjutkan
ReplyDeleteuntuk hiburan saja sob
ReplyDeletemenggunakan ubuntu tweak jg bisa untuk menambahkan klik kanan 'open as administrator' :)
ReplyDeletedont sudo me
ReplyDeletemakasih mas informasinya
ReplyDeleteternyata berbahaya, gak sido nyoba wes
ReplyDeletetimbang sudo penak udo...
ReplyDeletetapi nek kesuwen malah masuk angin...
terima kasih atas ilmunya... (worship)
ReplyDeletewalah, saya malah jarang ngoprek-oprek ubuntu, mas endar. buka terminal juga langka2, hehe ... paling2 saya hanya meng-update kalau ada direkomendasikan.
ReplyDeletewah aku tak paham bos, tau aja jga sekarang
ReplyDeletecoba untuk belajar bos
numpang (saru)
ReplyDeleteAku blas gak ngerti ki, om.. (doh)
ReplyDeleteaku yo ra mudeng (doh)
ReplyDeletegara² moco blog iki aku dadi buka wikipedia ... sudo nautilus iku panganan opo seh? (thinking)
ReplyDeleteWah jan ora mudeng Kang,
ReplyDeleteLagi coba running ubuntu lewat flash disk, lum berhasil ni.. Qqq
saya juga masih bingung mainan di localkostnya ubuntu
ReplyDeleteada bbrpa file yg aksesnya terbatas , gk bisa di-copy-lah, gak bisa di-edit-lah haduh...
skr klo maen localhost msh di "jendeLa" hehehe
ketik aja sudo nautilus dijamin bisa ngobok ngobok
ReplyDeleteah mosok sih.. gampang kok coba maning bae
ReplyDeletewaduh bahasa apalagi tuhh,, gk ngerti ane gann
ReplyDeletedobel..! (saru) . (saru) .
ReplyDeletewaduhhh... kebanyakan gag mudengnya nii saiia sama materi satu ini :(
ReplyDeleteNggak pernah pake mantra itu... ngilmune isih cetek mass... :)
ReplyDeletewah.. punya mantra rahasia juga toh.
ReplyDeleteDoes it serve your purpose
ReplyDeleteheheh bisa ajah nie masnya
ReplyDeletetapi lebih enak sudo chown kalo saya mah..
pake gksu nautilus.....???
lebih userfrienly... delete, drag n Drop suka suka... tampilanya langsung secara GUI.....